Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Herrera, Cheeks, Greene, Tiger, Yeagle..Coming Soon

Coming soon to the Labyrinth

Usually, we don't like to promote what's coming in advance, because it starts people asking us 'is it in yet, is it in?' ha ha.

Well, it seems not posting is having the same effect, so we broke down and are doing this posting. ha ha.

Here are a few of the confirmed new books expected shortly in shop. Many more will be coming, check the blog for more info over the days and weeks to come.

We don't have exact arrival dates or prices yet, but expect decent pricing and delivery in shop over the next 2-4 weeks. Ideally and for the most part, we will be charging the retail price set by the artists for the books (not withstanding exchange rates).

If you want to be notified personally, when these or other books arrive, please give the shop a call and leave us your name/number. That way we will call you when the books arrive.