If you live in Toronto, you probably already know about the 5 cent bag tax brought on by our fearless mayor. The goal of this tax is to help reduce plastic bags that end up in the landfill.
The problem is we don't like taxing our customers needlessly
So the solution is: Bag Donations.
That's right, rather than handing out new bags (which we will only do if you pay us the 5 cents tax) we will offer you 2nd hand bags donated by our customers.
The Labyrinth invites you to drop off any clean re-usable grocery type bags at the shop so that other customers can use them -rather than having these bags end up in the landfill.
So one day you get a donated bag, another day you return it so that someone else can use it. This cycle of re-use helps reduce the senseless killing of plastic trees.
Be a Hero! Drop off clean re-usable bags Today!