Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Artists Still Wanted

Still Time to enter our upcoming Customize Your Own Mighty Mugg Show.

Blank Figures back in stock today.

1. get a blank figure - we have them in shop now.
2. design your figure ( you can use the template on this blog)
3. design original characters or your very own design
4. paint/draw on the blank figure to make your design come to life.
5. take photos as you go -so we can post process images on the blog once the show goes up.
6. when you are done, submit an image of the finished figure to us so we can let you know if you are part of the show. We don't anticipate saying no too often, but reserve the right to do so.
7. The final deadline will be announced soon, but expect it to be in a few weeks.

email us if you have more questions.