So it's no secret but I am a huge Bruce Campbell Fan. His new film ' My name is Bruce' is coming shortly and I hope it's Bad. I mean good -bad. You know, so bad it's good. Yes -that's the kind of Bruce Campbell movies I love most.
Even with all my love for B.C., I have never thought to look at his website. Yes he has one.
here it is:
If you go to it, be sure NOT to skip the intro. Yeah, yeah - I usually skip ALL intros -but this is Bruce Campbell we're talking about. He has a cheesy emotional photo montage happening with a danny elfman/conan-sounding soundtrack to it. After you look at the whole intro, you may enter the site. Not before.
Oh -and here's the trailer for his new film:
On his site, he talks about doing a tour to promote the film. After examining the list, it became clear Toronto is not one of the stops. I am going to go back and watch the intro to his site again...