Student version:

With summer over, and everyone back at school we thought we should mention the awesome Anatomy sculptures we carry. These completely accurate figures are 24" tall and show both superficial and interior muscles. We've heard that during the sculpting process -the artist showed these to 6 surgeons to check for accuracy. The proof is in the pudding however, and we can tell you that some of our pickiest customers (life drawing teachers) love these figures.
They are the best way to learn anatomy. The Labyrinth is a bookstore, so you know we love books -but in this case - anatomy books often try and explain a 3-d concept like the human body - with flat pictures. Thats why we believe having this figure is a superior way to go. Every angle is covered - so no matter what perspective you are drawing, you can see exactly what muscles go where. insertions and all.
There are 3 levels of figures. The first is the student version and comes with removable arms.
The 2nd version is the grey artist edition (to look like the clay that the figure was sculpted in) and besides having removable arms, also has a removable head, genitals and a rotating base.
The colour version is identical to the artist (grey)version -except its in colour.
All 3 come with chart showing every muscle on the figure (with names) for easy study.
These figures aren't inexpensive, but compared to the cost of art school these days -they are less than 1% what you're paying for school and they can come in super handy. The way we like to think of it is - if you were to skip 1 or 2 classes in an animation or illustration course - the cost of those classes would have paid for the figure.
Now we really believe these figures will help you out, if you're doing life drawing or have any interest in anatomy. First year students, or art fundamental students will have find these the most valuable item because by the time they finish school they will have been able to use these figures for upto 4 years and really make them pay off. Then, once school is done, they can be sold off to freshmens. Honestly though, after seeing how much help they are, we think you'll never want to let them go.