The Labyrinth would like to invite everyone out there to our first submission based art show -Vinyl Graffiti. The show is looking quite good at this time. We are still waiting for the last of the submissions to come in. The deadline for anyone that is interested in doing a piece is next weekend. Just email me to say you are interested (info@thelabyrinthstore.com) and we can take it from there.
The Art Show is on Saturday Feb 9th. 7-10pm. That's in 2 weekends from now!
What you should expect to see is a plethora of really cool, imaginative and interesting paintings, drawings and other creative systems applied to old record album covers. The subjects are diverse, but what ties every piece together is the format. Many of the pieces will be up for sale - so if you're in the market for some original art - this will be your chance. Many of the artists will be there for the evening to talk to.
To help make the night extra fun for everyone -The Labyrinth will be handing out over 50 prizes for folks participating in what we call Character Design Face Off's. Here's how it works. We will have two easils set up where two people (one of which can be YOU!) will face off against each other for fun and prizes. They will have to draw a character design on the spot, based on a subject we pick. For example ' Moose in a beaver suit' or 'Troll in an evening gown on fire' and other stupid ideas. The goal is to have fun and laughs - all a while earning prizes for the winners. Winners will be decided by those attending via the sophisticated system we call Applause. You don't have to be an artist to join in the games -so come one, come all and good luck! The silliness will be repeated every 3 minutes - so as many of you can take a turn as possible.
Please feel free to let friends,relatives and other interested parties know about the event.