Friday, February 02, 2018

Blossom Detective Holmes - Kickstarter

Check out a new Kickstarter project for a new animation project being helmed by Steve Ahn, assistant director of Voltron: Legendary Defender and Avatar: The Legend of Korra. You can check out the pilot episode for the series they plan alongside their Pitch video below.

"One Full Moon Night in Stockholm, Sweden. An expected intruder breaks into Mr. Edvard’s home. A prepared gun trigger was pulled, and the detectives Holmes and Jamie start to chase after the intruder. Yet, on the same night, another unexpected gunshot interrupts… Blossom Detective Holmes and Jamie’s first crime case unfolds: Selfie with a Strange Intruder!"

Blossom Detective Holmes is a crime mystery suspense genre made for a somewhat mature audience. Because big name animation studios in America wouldn’t produce such kind unless a safe family entertainment in comedy and mild-action genre, in a big craving of making thriller, Steve quit his work and started to produce and make independently by making a small team with several good friends of his who have experienced from Pixar, Disney, Dreamworks, Ghibli and more. The pilot episode is completed but is still in the midst of a long journey."

Head over to their Kickstarter page to give them a hand!