Tuesday, August 09, 2016

EARN $300-$600 Working at FANEXPO with the Labyrinth!

We are now hiring for the Toronto FANEXPO Convention in September!

This is paid work for minimum wage ($11.25/hour).

You can earn around $300-$600 over the event running from Thursday - Sunday,  September 1st - 4th, 2016.

Work details:
Physical labor - lifting boxes and setting up booths.
Standing for long hours during the convention.
Communicating with & helping customers.

If you're interested, then please send us a Resume & Cover Letter as
a .PDF document to our e-mail address below:


We will start contacting people throughout August. So please be patient.
First consideration will be given to anyone who's worked with us before.

We will only call those applicants we are interested in on a first-come basis.
If you don't hear from us, please don't feel discouraged and try applying again
next time!

Thank you to everyone who applies!