Saturday, November 29, 2008


For all you animationphiles out there. Check out the recent post by the New York Times.
Features interviews with the likes of Bill Plympton and Don Hertzfeld.

couple of interesting quotes from the article:

first off -Bill Plympton discuss his method for creating a feature film that many students I know could probably relate to:

“You’re so focused. You don’t do e-mails or phone calls. I get up at 6, don’t shave or shower, just start drawing. It’s like a ride. I hear that novelists do this too. They’re so focused for a year or whatever that afterwards they just collapse for two or three weeks. Sleep. Or drink.”

more specifically on the subject of 2d vs. 3d - Don H says something that is so true:

"A lot of people seem to assume that there is a ‘make art’ button on a computer and everything in the digital world is magical and easy. There are endless misconceptions about how these tools work and little understanding how computer animators have to slave away just as hard as traditional animators do.”

read the whole thing here: