Thursday, September 04, 2008


Henry Yan's figure drawing books is one of our favourite books here at the Labyrinth. Henry is a life drawing teacher working out of San Francisco. If you don't already own a copy of his awesome book, do yourself a favour and look into it.

The reason for this post is that we just learned from Henry that he has finally started working on a book of his paintings. According to Henry 'the writing part is going a little bit slow'. Still, we are totally excited to hear that he actually is working on it. His last book was a serious drain, as he worked and slaved on it, in the little free time that he had after working as a teacher. So the new book, probably won't be out very soon -but we are already eagerly anicipating it. No worries for customers of the store though, the day its done - we will have copies and blog readers will be the first to hear about it.